We are so excited, The Lord has led us to begin Saturday night revival meetings! We want to Welcome you to our home on Saturday nights to fellowship, eat, and just simply to go after Jesus together. Our goal is to reach the lost and push down the strongholds of religion & denominational barriers, and bring the body of Christ together. Click the link for more info.
Don't miss our upcoming meetings and outreaches. Join us to hear some dynamic speakers, and exercise the great commission on outreaches. Click the link below, for more info.
“...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
Romans 10:9-10
Open today | 12:00 am – 12:00 am |
email us anytime!
Since being saved in 2004, We have been involved in some sort of ministry in the local church, from teaching children's church & volunteering in the nursery & youth group, to serving on usher & greeting teams, along with leading & being involved in prayer meetings & outreaches!
In a home group, it was prophesied over Sam, that he was going to be helping other ministries return to their love of Jesus, and that he was carrying two Huge golden anchors on his shoulders and going into churches and ministries and planting the anchors in the ground.
God spoke this to Sam, In the last days there will be a great harvest (Acts2:17-21, Joel 2:28-29), but also in the last days there will be great deception of even the elect (Matthew 24), so we have to know we are anchored in the right thing, JESUS and His word, as to not be deceived!
Sam is an Pastor/Evangelist who, along with his wife Christie and their three kids Josh, Taylor, and Sadie, is called to reach the lost and disciple the Harvest as the time for Jesus' return is drawing closer and closer!
We are on the move! Partnering with other ministries and Individuals, we have been going and preaching (Mark 16:15)! We have seen people of all ages come to Christ, be healed, delivered, set free, and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues! We would Love to come and serve along side of your ministry in the Harvest!
Billy Graham once said that one of the greatest needs in the church today is to recognize and recover the legitimacy and importance of the gift of the Evangelist.
It is obvious today that many have confused most ‘’traveling preachers’’ with Evangelist. While Evangelist do travel it is imperative to know that they travel through a system of highways and byways rather than greenrooms and photo shoots.
The evangelist along with every other 5-Fold gift are called to equip Gods people for service, so that the body of Christ may be built up and made mature.
The two main functions of the Evangelist are.
1. Preaching the gospel to lost souls.
2. Equipping the body to do the work of preaching to lost souls.
The Greek word for the Evangelism is euangelion/Evangelion which simply means ‘’Good Declaration.’’
Evangelion in the times of Jesus was used commonly to announce victory in battle, or a king’s succession to the throne.
It means that a new kingdom has come and there is a new king sitting on the throne and we are to declare that.
Evangelist have been given precise instructions to declare Jesus as king and that his kingdom has come.
The Evangelist is an expert of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The disciples won many souls through the gospel because they were witnesses of it, we must become well versed with the gospel.
The Evangelist will go places that others refuse to go.
When it comes to equipping the body, the Evangelist should have at least one teaching/message that not only informs on how but also stirs the faith of believers in the room to reach their communities. There is nothing wrong with a church bringing you in to preach a ‘’evangelistically driven message’ or a church bringing you in at all and this is how many Evangelists are supported. But this is NOT the main function of the Evangelist.
The Evangelist service to the body in this aspect means that you will see the ‘’fewer’’ of the congregations. The truth is that many people have been raised in spiritually timid environments and will ultimately be afraid to talk to a lost and dying world. Part of equipping the body means walking beside those in different areas and helping build their faith through your own anointing and gift from God.
Evangelist do not sit back and wait for the world to go to Hell; they dive in headfirst praying ‘’God give me one more’’ and they start pulling the lost out of the kingdom of darkness violently.
• The Evangelists usually suffers to preach the word to a wicked world.
• The Evangelist is the most looked over gift in the body, yet without them the body is incomplete.
• The Evangelist is often viewed as ‘’Radical.’’
• The Evangelist will typically not be understood by most believers.
• The Evangelist will be viewed as full of ‘’Zeal’ when in reality it is part of the grace on that person’s life.
I see many people today claiming to be an Evangelist, yet they have spent no time in the streets with the poor or the lost. These individuals just want to be in someone’s pulpit so they can fulfill their desire to perform. Many times, they are offering, and spotlight driven and have no real desire or burden to snatch lost souls from the grips of the devil. To these individuals I say repent.
For many have paid a great price for that precious gift that is in their life, and it cannot be fabricated. Friend, if you feel like you have an authentic call to be an Evangelist over your life, I encourage you to reach out to someone who can mentor you in winning the lost.